TradingFootball.EU Review

Lay Back & Get Rich betting system review

Hello, Shane here with my review of Trading Football.EU.

I have been using the product for 4 weeks and in this post I’m also going to cover TradingFootball’s training course.

So… how has it gone?


Considering that every week so far I have turned a profit, I believe that, provided you have the time to sit at night or weekends to trade the matches, this is a profitable system: especially as there’s lots of help from the guys at

Week 4 brought in a net profit of £23.45, to bring our overall profit for the four weeks to £95.53, albeit we needed the last trade to make the week profitable. This doesn’t matter, I don’t believe; it could have just as easily have happened at the start of the week!

Once again, the golden rule has to be to take your losses from time to time, even if it be a few in a row. You have to learn to trust the strategies and then you will profit as the months go by.

1. 4th November

Elche v Villa Real

Trade Of The Day (TOTD), outlay £49. Result: loss of £12.90

It was a bad start to the week, with this match using the “MOCS” strategy, and returning a loss of £12.90.

However, once again lessons were learned. Basically, I got to the stage where I don’t mind losses from time to time – or at least, not as much as I used to. Which is the mindset to be in, if you are to trust in the systems.


2. 9th November

Reading v QPR

Outlay £52. Result: £10 profit.

Used ‘Covers’ strategy. The match went 0-0 for quite some time, and I traded out at half time for a nice £10 profit.


Crystal Palace v Everton

TOTD – Outlay £45. Result: loss of £22.13.

Who would have thought this would have ended 0-0!? Not the guys at TradingFootball anyway, and no one probably in the UK from the way Crystal Palace had been playing.

It got to the stage where we just let it run, and in the end I made a loss of £22.13.

What can you possibly do when something like this happens? But, as they say, football is a funny ol’ game; and even stats can’t take into account a result like this one.


3. 10th November

Marseille v Sochaux

TOTD – outlay £42. Result – profit of £38.13.

Everything goes to plan sometimes, and on this occasion I was happy to see a green screen! It was a match of very few moves, which took us to a very handsome profit.


Draw Inflation Trades 

Outlay £80 stakes – Profit £10.35

  • NEC Njmegen v Ajax — DI profit £2.10
  • Sunderland v Man City — DI profit £6.10
  • Marseille v Sochaux — DI profit £2.15.

I love the DI tool which you get free for 3 months when you sign up for the trading course, and I probably haven’t taken full advantage of it.

It’s very low risk and has a high strike rate. It’s also available as a standalone product reviewed elsewhere on Lucy’s site.


TradingFootball .EU – Week 4    
date match profit this time running profit
    b/fwd –> £72.08
4th Nov Elche v Villa Real -£12.90 £59.18
9th Nov Reading v QPR £10.00 £69.18
9th Nov Crystal Palace v Everton -£22.13 £47.05
10th nov Marseille v Sochaux £38.13 £85.18
10th nov NEC Njmegen v Ajax (DI) £2.10 £87.28
10th nov Sunderland v Man City (DI) £6.10 £93.38
10th nov Marseille v Sochaux (DI) £2.15 £95.53
c/fwd –> £95.53
    profit this week £23.45

OK, so with profit for the week at £23.45, I really am thinking about continuing this service once the trial is concluded… The only thing is: can I run the two hours of a football match in conjunction with my matched betting frenzy on Saturday?

I’m pretty sure I can, and I think it will be additional beer money for myself, so I’m happy to continue to bring updates as comments below, but I am going to wrap up the review for with a look at their training course.

Training Package versus Season Membership

Now I’ve got to this stage of my review of Tradingfootball.EU, I’ve sort of realised I was originally supposed to be reviewing the training package, not the annual membership!

The two do overlap, as the training comes with two weeks’ membership of the TF service – and of course this is the bit I’ve been merrily trialling for the last four weeks.

But maybe I’ve got a little bit caught up raving about the membership stuff….

After all, it has gone very well, but you do only get two weeks’ free membership with the training pack.

So…let’s be absolutely clear.

You get 12 tutorial videos bundled with a whole season’s membership for just £149 – whereas you only get 7 more videos in the training package, plus of course that fortnight’s membership.

The training course gives you the following for your £99:

  • 19 video tutorials
  • System manual in Adobe PDF format
  • “Nugget Green Book ” – described as “A selection of slightly left field trading tips”.
  • “Keeping Records” – a record-keeping spreadsheet
  • Access to a live 3 hour trading session on a Saturday afternoon
  • Access to Odds Matcher Pro arbitrage & bookie scanning software for three months
  • Two weeks’ free membership

And here’s what you get for a season’s membership (£149):

  • Chat Room
  • Trade of the Day
  • Strategy List
  • 12 Video tutorials
  • In-Play Scanner
  • Market Matcher
  • Draw Inflation (also available separately – I really like this!

Now I’m not criticising the training course.

In my opinion, it has benefits for someone new. But do you really get much you don’t get from just signing up as a full member?

I personally don’t think so, but this is a subjective assessment. It has to be: in contrast to an actual system trial, which is more easily measured, as basically, it either makes money or it doesn’t!

The risk with the training is you would probably want to sign up for the full membership after the course, which means you’d then have spent almost £250, when you perhaps could have got away with a lot less.

Now I definitely recommend people signing up to the membership; but I do feel the course itself is probably best suited to real beginners.

TradingFootball View

Having reached this conclusion, I discussed it with Lucy, who decided to ask the TradingFootball guys about their pricing.

Bingo answered at length, so I’m going to quote from his email, as it seems only fair to give him the ‘right of reply’:

“I agree that the Course is aimed as an introduction to trading football on the exchanges and as such its scope is quite broad, covering the key components of trading – match selection, the need for planning with exit and entry points – with additional material from the esoteric – the subtleties of in-play trading – to the mundane – the psychology of trading for example.

“In terms of value, in comparison with the membership access, it would appear that a straight subscription to the members` area of the site is a better option. However, the format of the Course makes appeal to those aspiring traders who prefer to study and learn at a pace that is controlled by them.

“The more frantic, in-at-the-deep-end structure of the membership where the chat room is central may not be to everyone`s taste or even time constraints; there are a number of members who only enter the chat room at the weekends.

“You point out the “value” in puchasing the Season Ticket for £149. Again, would a new trader want to spend that kind of money without dipping his toe in the water first? The Course is bundled with extras including a two week free access to the site`s members` area.

“Perhaps what is overlooked in this last regard is the Live Trading session which lasts 4 hours [I thought it was 3?] on a Saturday afternoon. A maximum of six attendees with tightly controlled Q & A format is an ideal environment for learning where the mechanics of a trade and the thought processes behind it are clearly presented and better understood. This is bespoke education. You are shopping at Saville Row here, not Primark!”

Trial Summary

I made £95.53 in 4 weeks’ trialling the service, and learned a lot along the way.

So.. I made some mistakes, and still made money.

It’s hard to dislike a learning experience like that, so I feel I have to award Tradingfootball.EU a Pass. In particular, I think a season’s membership is very good value at £149.

The training package is more borderline. Nothing in Bingo’s reply is much different to what I thought myself. Complete beginners who want to learn steadily will probably benefit, but if you have any amount of real trading experience, I’d be tempted to jump in and sign up for the full season.

Overall though, it’s thumbs up from me for Tradingfootball.EU.


Original Review Intro: 18th October 2013

Judging by my experience of running this website, there are far more tipsters out there than vendors of trading products.

And there really are very few good trading products.

So when one of the guys behind the wonderful Pre-Match Trading service wrote to let me know about the launch of a new training service to help people learn about football trading, I couldn’t help showing an interest.

Welcome then to my new trial of …


Now it is more or less customary for me to use introductory posts to explain at some length what the service or system under review entails.

However, in the case of Trading Football, that ain’t easy.

Because my first impression is that it contains a lot of (for want of a more specific term) I shall call (ahem) – stuff.

Yep, stuff abounds.

— Does it contains a full PDF manual explaining the service? – Check.

— How about a huge range of (say) 19 video tutorials to back up the documentation? – Check.

— Live trading chat rooms to discuss ideas with experienced traders? – Yep, check again.

— Strategies, trading tips, articles? — check, check and more check.

— Bespoke software tools to provide support in live markets? – checkity checkity

— Free 14 day trial membership? — Checkmate.

All of which adds up, on the face of it, to a potentially comprehensive package.

Naturally, the sales video comes with the sort of cheesy music that appears de rigueur for betting system videos, but it does also give you a fair – and mercifully brief – summary of what’s included:

In fact, about the only possible items of ‘stuff’ that I can’t find at TradingFootball.EU are – surprise! – straightforward, old-fashioned tips.

Because, ultimately, the aim of a product like this is to help you become a better trader, no longer needing to depend on old-fashioned tipsters.

Which, if it works, would be an outcome that, I suspect, would appeal greatly to a lot of my readers (judging from the often world-weary messages in my mailbag).

Welcome Also To A New Triallist – Shane!

Never let it be said that I rely on just one or two opinions here at Lay Back And Get Rich!

On the contrary, we’ve had a number of new triallists recently, and their fresh enthusiasm consistently encourages me to keep going (which can help a lot whenever I feel I’ve been trialling products forever).

Shane started out trading horses, before getting full time into matched betting; so has a good idea of the core trading concepts. However, I know he sees football trading as a fresh challenge, so hopefully he will learn a lot whilst, at the same time, introducing us to Trading Football.

The plan is to begin trading immediately – hopefully, as soon as tomorrow – as Shane is already halfway through the videos! And then we will attempt to build up a profile of the product fairly quickly over the next few weeks.

Here’s hoping, as ever. 🙂


Update: 22nd October 2013

Hello Shane here, with my “maiden review” on LB&GR, bringing you my first impressions of Trading Football.

And after a mountain of reading, watching videos, and getting to grips with some of the trading strategies, I actually started on Sunday trading live!




And I have to say, I am very impressed with Trading Football so far.

There is a lot to learn, but it’s clear that plenty of thought has gone into the way the trades are designed. And just as important, a lot of support is available whilst you’re trading to help you maximise profits or (worst case) minimise losses.

To start with, each trade strategy has to meet set criteria, and there is software provided to help you find the best matches.

There are in fact twenty different strategies, with a lot of insurance cover built in. So you can trade out for a loss if the unexpected happens, or make quite a bit of money if things go right.

For instance, with the so-called Trade Of The Day on Sunday, there could have been a big pay-day, but it wasn’t to be on this occasion. However I’m sure everyone in the trading room still turned a profit – even me, in spite of the fact I messed up by trading out too early (a beginner’s mistake).

Chat is available during trading, and Bingo (one of the main traders) did ask me why I traded out after the first goal. I had no real answer! I think I panicked a bit, though, due to the way the game in question turned out, I managed to turn the losing position into a small green.

With this trading system (and maybe with any other?) you do need to be prepared to take your losses on the chin.

If you aren’t willing to make a loss every few trades, this is not for you because football is so unpredictable. So having the right mentality is essential if you’re going to turn an overall profit.

Sunday’s Trades

1) Granada v Getafe

I used something called the “covers+cunders” technique… and had to wait patiently after Granada had a man sent off early on.

At 0-2 though, I traded out for a nice £20.60 profit.

I like this technique and will be looking more into using it. With the statistics provided, it should yield good profits.

Result: 0-2 and £20.60 profit

2) Sassuolo v Bologna

I followed the ‘tip of the day’,which was based round an HT/FT strategy.

Again, there were many insurances with this one… but here’s where I went wrong. Basically I traded out of my Over 2.5 position as soon as the first goal went in, whereas everyone else stayed in for at least another goal and traded for guaranteed green with free money now running on HT/FT.

I suppose trading out too early is a typical beginner’s error.

Lesson – have your exit points planned out beforehand! I did not and panicked!

Result: 1-2 and £2.11 profit  (which would have been more like £12 if I’d stayed in the trade)

Monday’s Trades

1) Crystal Palace v Fulham (HT/FT Trade)

We had our pre-match bets matched and waited to see how the game unfolded. So I went on to live chat (or the Green Room as it’s called) to hear what shouts Bingo would make for trading.

Early goals meant a lot of readjusting positions!  This is where the Green Room is worth the subscription alone with an alarm sound for trades to be made.

A normal person will make snap judgements on a trade and human error creeps in, but I just did what was being posted on the screen and didn’t question anything (I was basically still thinking about the previous day and trading out of a position too early!).

At half-time, we made another few adjustments which left us pretty well covered and goals came again in the second half to green up.

Result: 1-4 and £24.42 profit


My total profit after three matches is an impressive £47.13.

It is all quite enjoyable, especially when you’re winning! The readjustments are calls I wouldn’t make myself, but when you think about it later, they are very smart picks.

Maybe that’s why these guys are posting profits and I wasn’t!

Another important point: the outlay for these trades has not been huge. I’m only working off a £100 bank, but you could easily do it with just £50.

So, all in all, I have to say that Trading Football has made a great start!


Update: 28th October 2013

Hello Shane back again, with my second report on the whole trading experience that is…. Trading Football.EU.

And it’s been a learning-curve-and-a-half for me, as I’ve started to get to grips with the ups and downs of sports trading…



Week 2 – Games Traded

1. Wednesday 23rd October 2013

“Trade of the Day” – Bayern Munich v Plzen (trade next goal)

Result — Loss of £55.43!  🙁

Upon looking at this trade I wasn’t sure about it, but for the sake of the trial I went ahead with it, and it turned out to be “one of those nights” with Bayern destroying Plzen 5-0.  And I ended up with a loss of over fifty pounds!

This may sound strange but I was looking forward to a loss to see how the lads would handle it.

Fair play: they admitted to a few mistakes in-play which taught each person a lesson. This loss also showed me that the lads at post accurate figures for ROI.

This trade took us to an overall loss of -£8.30 for the trial by this date, Wednesday 23rd October. 🙁

The advice given the next day was: put it behind you. A trader is not a poor trader because one game goes against him.

So I put it behind me and decided to man up. 🙂

2. Saturday 26th October

a) Manchester United v Stoke — “lay the favourite”

Result — Profit of £37.06!    

Pleased to say we were back to winning ways with a nice profit.


b) “Trade Of the Day” – Aston Villa v Everton (Clint strategy)

Result — Profit of £10.07   

We were all expecting goals but both goalkeepers were at their best in the first half. Anyway a few extra trades at half time and we ended up coming out with a nice profit.


c) Barcelona v Real Madrid (Clint strategy)

Result — Profit of £32.03  

I did this in-play because the odds were too low to start off with, but one of my bets did not get matched and a goal was scored which was delightful for me as it increased my profit. Profit of over thirty quid. 🙂


3. Sunday 27th October

a) Sunderland v Newcastle (both teams to score – Clint again)

Result — Profit of £10.54

… plus also, Draw Inflation  — Profit of £4.

I’ve not used Draw Inflation too much, but it seems like a great tool. There is a video on Monday to help me with this too. So I just had a nibble at a pre-match trade and came out with £4 profit.

b) “Trade Of The Day” – Mönchengladbach v Eintracht Frankfurt (Draw no bet)

Result — Loss of £37.76

Ah, it had all been going so well! Lol.

A load of early goals did not help, and, in spite of re-adjusting our markets and scores, we ended up with a significant loss that pretty much wiped out all the profit we’d added since last time.

Summary – Running profit is sitting at £47.64.

The whole week looks like this:

TradingFootball .EU (Week 2)    
date match profit this time running profit
    b/fwd –> £47.13
23-Oct bayern v plzen -£55.43 -£8.30
26-Oct united v stoke £37.06 £28.76
26-Oct villa v everton £10.07 £38.83
26-Oct barcelona v real madrid £32.03 £70.86
27-Oct sunderland v newcastle £10.54 £81.40
27-Oct sunderland v newcastle (DI) £4.00 £85.40
27-Oct Monchengladbach v Eintracht Frankfurt -£37.76 £47.64
c/fwd –> £47.64
    profit this week £0.51

As you can see there were a couple of substantial losses.

The current ROI for October from Trades Of The Day (TOTD) is 28% according to the website, so I seem to have hit a few bad ones. But, as I said, the lads at TradingFootball do post these losses, and they are all taken into account.

After the TOTD, you get the analysis the next day as to why they did the trades. I will be talking to the lads this week with a few suggestions myself for the site. They reply to all queries within about two hours which is great and you can always get them on chat during the trades.

The lads in the trade room are all there to give a hand and there is a bit of light hearted banter during the trades.

So far I can’t fault really anything with TradingFootball as yet, and it’s quite fun during the matches for interest too.

Will be back with more soon.


Update: 4th November 2013

Hello Shane back again, with my third weekly update on Trading Football.EU.

And yet again, it’s going to be a pretty upbeat report…

Having said that, I’m very aware that I’m still learning the ropes with this product, but the good thing is at least I’m making money whilst I learn.



Week 3 – Games Traded

I’ve been very busy this week, with real life getting in the way (as you’ll see below), so I only got four trades in.  However, they all went pretty well.

1. Monday 28th October 2013

Norrköping v Östers IF

Result — Profit of £3.39

Locked in using “Draw inflation” tool.

2. Wednesday 30th October

Juventus v Catania – Trade Of The Day using “NAC” system 

Result — Profit of £7.64

Early goals meant we didn’t need to adjust any of our positions.

3. Saturday 2nd November

Leeds v Yeovil – Trade Of The Day using “NAC” system 

Result — Profit of £8.50

I made a few positional changes during the match and greened up at 2-0 for a profit.

I know some of the lads in the trading room left it as a scratch trade and made nothing, but I’m all about the green. 🙂

4. Sunday 3rd November

Verona v Cagliari Result — Profit of £4.91

Unfortunately, a family emergency took me away from my computer during the game, so at half-time I used my mobile to green up for £4.91.

I do know that this could have been around £20 if I had have been in the trade room and made additional plays. 🙁


Overall, without exerting a lot of effort, it’s been another nice week, with profits of £24.44, and an overall profit now of £72.08.

TradingFootball .EU – Week 3    
date match profit this time running profit
    b/fwd –> £47.64
28th Oct Norrköping v Östers IF £3.39 £51.03
30th Oct Juventus v Catania £7.64 £58.67
2nd Nov Leeds v yeovil £8.50 £67.17
3rd Nov Verona v Cagliari £4.91 £72.08
c/fwd –> £72.08
    profit this week £24.44

Here’s the thing about TradingFootball: you need to be in the Green Room to start off with, to get the advice and the mentality of what trading is about, and to learn how to make the calls yourself in future.

There are additional videos coming out every week from the lads who run it. I have suggested to them maybe they could increase the free Green Room access to one month when you sign up, as I think the current two weeks is cutting it a bit fine.  I do think there would be more value to users if they used the Green Room for at least a month. Anyway I will let Lucy batter that one out with them!

One other final point: Lucy has asked me to give some indication of the stakes I’m using. It’s usually a total of around £40 to £60 per game, though this is an approximate figure, so I’ll start recording an extra column in my summary table from now on.

Overall though, it’s been another good week, with a few more lessons learnt. Let’s see if we can get over the £100 profit mark this week!


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  1. Neil,

    The way trades are given is by email. Then when it goes inplay there is the owners making decisions on the trades. Of course some trades are going to be gut feelings but with the stats of shots on target etc. You also have to realise these lads will keep adjusting to minimise losses and Ive not seen them let a trade run hoping for a goal they will bring the exposure down. In football they amount of variables mate if you stick with them they will show you how to trade and accept losses aswell as gains.
    Every trade they do if they mess up which no matter how long you are in this game you are going to they admit it and say we should have done this in hindsight which is commendable. They are working on new software that for inplay trades will have all the stats that meet the criteria for certain strategies so this will be powerful stuff. You get all the trading strategies and you will find your own way of what plays to make but using the greenroom when they call shouts you will learn what to do and what not to do. They are still sustaining 10% ROI per month average on trade of the days. Its a very good service. I suggest you email the guys at trading football they are quite friendly and will get back to you brave and quickly. In summary they dont have a if a goal is scored we do this they go away they take time to work out inplay the best way to protect your money and make a profit. Hope this helps anything else give me a shout.

  2. good review shane, quick question; a couple of years ago i bought access to betting system notes, which basically gives the strategies that trading football use, but I was disappointed because it was in the style of: ‘team a should be around this odds range, team b this odds range, back this and this and this and then do this when a goal is scored’. my point is that none of the strategies work if you just apply blindly to every match in the odds range, so I would be asking what does the membership bring to the table that helps to filter the decent matches from the losing trades? I would be interested in signing up, but I would want to be learning how to do it myself; i’d be really disappointed if I was in the chatroom and trades were being given out (or tweaked in play) because of a ‘gut feeling’, or because a moderator ‘felt’ like a goal was coming. This is one of my massive bugbears with in play footy trading services that I have tried, that results differ wildly depending on how individuals read a game (eg i might watch a game and think a goal is not coming, so i trade out for a loss; you may watch the same game and feel a goal is imminent, so you end up with a profit); it’s all very subjective… you see where I’m coming from?

    1. Hi,

      I dont believe smarkets has enough liquidity inplay for the the likes of France Division 1 matches if they were to be traded. Its not always the big leagues traded. Now Im not sure because I dont use smarkets but if there isnt enough liquidity in the correct score markets inplay then you wont get matched at the odds you would at betfair.
      Hope this answers your question. Smarkets would be grand if there was enough liquidity but I dont believe there is!


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