OddsMonkey Review

OddsMonkey Review

OddsMonkey has, for a very long time, been both everywhere and nowhere.

You see, their traditional strategyย has been to supplyย tools to other third-party providers.

So established arbitrage players like Profit Maximiserย have all at various times — to useย that ugly but ubiquitous term — been “powered” by Oddsmonkey.

In fact, they claim their product is used by no fewer than 70 matched betting sites. I didn’t even know there were that many!

Personally, I’d have thought that working this way wasย a bit frustrating.

Seriously, wouldn’t you want to stick your head out from behind the curtainย every now and again to point out that the magicianย had been you all along!?

Well now, Oddsmonkey have decided toย do precisely that…ย 

Oddsmonkey make some very bold claims...
Oddsmonkey make some very bold claims…

According to Craigย at Oddsmonkey, “We’ve never really tried to promote ourselves until now”.

And heย added intriguingly that, “We’ve developed some new tools that are only available on OddsMonkey”, askingย whether I’d be interested in taking a look?

Is a shoe shop a source of retail therapy!?

Of course I’d be interested!

As I understand it, you really get three things when you subscribe to Oddsmonkey…

1. The Odds Matching Tool

Odds Matcher
Odds Matcher

You may well recognise the layout from one of those 70 sites.

It offers a clean, straightforward interface that has become something of an industry standard.

2. “Over 100 step-by-step video tutorials and easy-to-understand guides”ย – or so it says here. ๐Ÿ™‚

OddsMonkey Training - there's a lot of it...
OddsMonkey Training – there’s a lot of it…

I gather there’s a combination of video and text that isย unlikely to leave anyoneย clamouring for more.

3. Daily Offer Calendar

OddsMonkey - Daily Offer Calendar
OddsMonkey – Daily Offer Calendar

This is the bit that is likely to appeal to advanced users.

In addition to some pretty impressiveย up-to-the-minute information,ย including a snazzy smartphone app, you get support from anย “awesome online community”ย .

I’m already pretty sure that Oddsmonkey is a mature, matched betting application suitable for anyone serious about extracting as much low-risk cash as possible from the bookmakers.

However, I’m going to trial it anyway, if only because I’m intrigued to find out about the new features thatย haven’t been shared with other sites.

I’ll be back in a couple of weeks or so with an update.

In the meantime, you can find out more about Oddsmonkey over here.


My First Impressions

There is nothing quite like a series of failed tipster trials to make matched betting appealing again.

Because, in a year when all I seem to have done is fail betting systems, products like this one stand out as the obviousย way to extract regular profits from the markets.

And I have to say, it does looks really good….

In a sentence, Oddsmonkey is a comprehensive guide to matched betting that assumes absolutely no prior knowledge on the part of the user.

Unlike most betting systems, it has not been put together by an isolated punter and/or marketing specialist who believes, rightly or wrongly, that he has ‘cracked the betting code’ [Note –ย I have clearly read too many betting system sales pages!].

No, this serviceย has apparently been developedย by a team of no fewer than twelve people, sitting in an office on a business park somewhere in County Durham, building industrial scale matched betting applications.

Once you sign up, you work through a series of training exercises that guideย you through the basic concepts and get you placing your first matched bets in no time.

It’s obvious where to start as, wherever you go on the site, there is a ‘Start Here’ menu option at the top.

Start Here!
Start Here!

Once you’ve opened your first couple of accounts and learned how to use the very flexible Oddsmatcher tool, you move into the more advanced training sections, which group matched betting offers into sensible categories.

Training is comprehensive....
Training is comprehensive….


...and organised into sensible offer categories
…and organised into sensible offer categories

The guides within each category are graded by difficulty so you can decide quickly which ones you’re ready for and which you’d prefer to come back to later.

You can also mark individual sections as complete, to help you keep track of thoseย bits you’ve previously covered. This is a remarkably practical feature in such a comprehensive product as it saves you getting muddled up when dipping in and out:

It's thorough, it's well-organised, it's graded ... I like it. :)
It’s thorough, it’s well-organised, it’s graded … I like it. ๐Ÿ™‚

There’s also a handy Search facility in case you remember that there was a guide you’d like to go back to, but justย can’t find your way there.

The Search facility will appeal to anyone who's seen one too many menus..
The Search facility will appeal to anyone who’s seen one too many menus..

The really impressive bit however is the toolkit. I shall explore the toolkitย in more detail in later on but for now, let me just stress… there are a lot of very powerful tools in this product.

This product contains a lot of tools!
This product contains a lot of tools!

In effect, if you get involved with OddsMonkey, you are getting several products in one. It’s huge.

My current favourite feature, that helps me overcome the risk of overwhelm, is the Daily Offer Calendar.

It really does help sort out which offers you should be looking at today.

And it provides helpful links back into the other relevant tools and guides so you can refresh your memory on how best to exploit the offers.

Here, for instance, is today’s calendar..

Calendar for 22 April 2016
Calendar for 22 April 2016
22 April continued....
22 April continued….
Yet more offers for 22 April....
Yet more offers for 22 April….

And that is just for one day!

Hopefully by now, you’re getting anย idea of just how comprehensive this is.

I’m pretty confident that anybody with an organised approach and an internet-connected computer could quickly get to grips withย Oddsmonkeyย and start making regular profits.

Thisย mayย seem a remarkably straightforward conclusionย — especially in view of how many lousy products I’ve looked at this year — but it’s going to be extremely difficult for me to breakย what is obviously a well-oiled machine.

So … is there anything wrong with it?

Well, there are a couple of things that could be improved, I suppose.

Firstly, I feel OddsMonkey would be further enhanced with the inclusion of video.

Most of the training, though clear and well-illustrated, is text-based. And I know some readers prefer to have things demonstrated graphically.

And secondly, the Community element is still at an early stage. But there is every reason to believe it will grow over time as OddsMonkey acquires new members.

And finally, well, I haven’t rigorously tested all the tools yet… so I’ll look at them in a later update. But I suppose I may yet find things to grumble about there. But so far, they’ve all worked just fine. ๐Ÿ™‚

Soย I have to say – I am finally enjoying a trial… andย I’ll be back in a couple of weeks or so with more.

Meanwhile, you can read more about Oddsmonkey here.


Update: 26th April

I’ve spent mostย of the last two afternoons in an unreal world!

I’ve been aware, for quite some time, that there is money to be made from online games such as slots and blackjack but…. well, I must confess to a bias.

You see, I am put off byย the sheer childishness of the whole silly business.

Do grown adults seriously spend their time doingย this?

Apparentlyย so.

And theseย diversions are presumably good money-spinners for the bookies as they’ll even give you free money as an inducementย to suck you in.

Now, as is probably clear by now,ย I am veryย taken with OddsMonkey. Soย I thought… maybe, at last, the time has come.

With the help of its expert guides, surely even I could extract cash from the nonsensical world of online gambling games.

And indeed, my first everย sortieย into this most surreal partย of the online gamblingย world came outย very well.

OddsMonkeyย highlighted an appealing offer at BoyleSports which involved the following steps:

  • Visiting BoyleSports Games
  • Depositing ยฃ5
  • Playing through the ยฃ5 at minimum stakes (25p a go)
  • Being prepared to riskย the entire fiver, safe in the knowledge you’d get it back if you lost the lot
  • Stopping at any time when your balance significantly exceeded ยฃ5.

And my goodness, it was weird.

I found a mind-numbing game called Fountain of Youth and clicked and clicked and clicked some more.

Very quickly my ยฃ5 dwindled towards nothing. I could barely wait for the whole torturous business to end.

Then, having barely extracted a penny from the Irish bookie, my PC sang outย a sudden smug tune and announced I had won ยฃ31.25.

This brought my balance to ยฃ33, including the original fiver, so apparently this whole ludicrous nonsense had been worth ยฃ28!

My big win!
My big win!

Naturally, I stopped playing at once and withdrew my winnings.

Smug was indeed the word for the way I suddenly felt. ๐Ÿ™‚

I have no idea how I did this so please don’t ask me what my strategy was.

I have sat through dreadful losing runs and equally glorious winning sequences when testing systems here at Lay Back. There have beenย endless days of drama.

But, in an odd sort of way, nothing quite comes close to the madness that is betting on online games. It injectsย you into a feverish worldย of barmy, live cartoons whereย you half-forget you’reย usingย real money.

But yes, OddsMonkey shows you how to do it. And yes, it works.

I just love OddsMonkey – but I shall stick, in future, to the grown-up stuff!

I’ll be back with my final Oddsmonkey report in a couple of weeks.


Update: 22nd May

It’s very rare that I get to trial a product about which I have no reservations at all.

Most betting services, in my experience,ย containย a mixย of good, average and poor features of various types, all combinedย in differentย ways. ๐Ÿ™‚

OddsMonkey, however, is different.

It’s beautifully designed, logically laid out, simple to use and powered by a range of comprehensive and thoroughly proven tools.

Support levels are excellent, plus it’s extremelyย good value and, most importantly, very profitable.

Seriously, what is there not to like about OddsMonkey!?

So clearly – it’s going to earn a Pass markย from me. But I wanted to do better than that in my trial conclusion.

Here then is my list of reasons why I think OddsMonkey isย a truly special matched betting service….

OddsMonkey is special because…

1. Unlike many matched betting services, OddsMonkey’s service is driven byย software that was developed and maintained by an in-house technical team over 5 years. This kind of expertiseย almost guarantees great levels of support.

2. Several ofย the softwareย tools have long beenย used by other service providers: givingย the OddsMonkey team an extendedย opportunity to enhance and prove their reliability and quality.

  • Thus, although OddsMonkey may be a relatively new name in the matched betting world,ย their software hasย been constantly addedย toย over time to satisfy real customer needs.

3. OddsMonkey offers direct links to many bookmakers and exchanges, making trading much faster – and saving you from having to hunt around to find the right match or race on which to place your bets.

  • Where direct links are unavailable, OddsMonkey usually suppliesย details of the particularย event (league, country etc.) so that you do not have to know anything about sport in order to get involved.

4. Customers can save favourite search filters to be reused later andย set up alerts so that they’ll be emailed when opportunities they’ll be interested in become available.

5. The service is driven by a powerful Daily Offer Calendar thatย I have foundย to be extremelyย user friendly and fully mobile responsive.

  • There really is no need to feel overwhelmed when the service guides you so clearly each day to where you need to go:
OddsMonkey Calendar
OddsMonkey Calendar

6. You also get a wonderful tool called the Racing Matcher, which maps bookmaker offers to specific courses and races.

  • This helps you work through the opportunities that apply across the daily race cardย in a structured way. You don’t need to miss a thing.
Racing Matcher tool
Racing Matcher tool

7. OddsMonkey offers powerful dutching search software as part of theย premium membership. (And yes, it supports stake rounding to mask arbs from bookmakers).

OddsMonkey Dutching Software
OddsMonkey Dutching Software

8. You can easily disable a bookmaker for a period of time or indefinitely – so there’s no need to be presented with opportunities that don’t work for you.

Disable bookmakers you no longer work with...
Disable bookmakers you no longer work with…

9. The OddsMonkey calculatorย offers a visual breakdown of exactly where your money ends up, no matter whether your back bet wins or loses. This could prove very helpful for beginners trying to grasp the initial concept.

The calculator explains what to expect...
The calculator explains what to expect…

10. The integrated calculator will warn you if there is less money available at the exchange than you require to fulfil your trade.

Liquidity Warning
Liquidity Warning

11. You can customise your commission settings so that you see accurate opportunity ratings and profit figures.

12. By default OddsMonkeyย will hide all bookmakers from UK residents where the bookieย isn’t permitted to trade inย the UK market.

  • You can however choose toย override this option in the Oddsmatcher settings panel.
  • You can also configure other settings to fine tune your search results – with the settings being explained as you hover over the information icon:
Settings in the OddsMatcher tool
Settings in the OddsMatcher tool

13. Theย standalone calculator is currently being amended toย include functionality to enter part lays for use when not all your original lay was matched.

  • OddsMonkey tell me that this undoubtedlyย useful feature with be available ‘within a few days‘. It is this kind of helpful detailย that makes the service stand out.



I frequently despair of the poor quality of many of the products I get to test. And in particular, there have been times when I have started to wonder if I am completely wasting my time.

OddsMonkey has therefore been an absolute breath of fresh air. To say it is the best product I have tested to date this year is selling it short. It isย miles ahead of anything else I’ve trialled.

This is emphatically not a product aimed solely at beginners. There are so many ways to profit here that I can scarcely believe the price – just ยฃ15 per month.

Awarding a Pass mark is therefore an easy and pleasurable decision.

If you’ve not looked at it, I strongly recommend you do so – right now, right here.

You won’t regret it.

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  1. Great service when;

    1 You are new to betting
    2 You are not gubbed/banned/limited from any bookie

    This service has its limits. It will make you a few grand, but once a bookmaker limits you, and you will be limited, you will find it hard to make the money you first made.

    This is not a rip-off service
    Advice – compare is to the Profit Maximiser site…..the latter is better, but OM will make you ยฃยฃยฃยฃ

  2. Anyone new to Matched Betting will definately make money, ยฃ750 is certainly attainable, but the next ยฃ750 will take a huge effort, and some luck, as once initial sign up offers are used up it becomes more difficult.

    Odds Monkey, Bonus Bagging, Profit Maximiser are excellent places to begin.

  3. Has anyone tried Odds Monkey and matched betting over a period of say 6 months plus? Clearly you can make a few quid from new account sign ups but what is a realistic monthly figures from new accounts, reloads, weekly offers etc.. Th internet is awash with ridiculous claims but would ยฃ300 per month for an hour a day be feasible?

    1. Yes & Yes. You can make a lot more than ยฃ300 a month but really does depend on your experience level and bank size. Probably need more than an hour on Saturday certainly to maximise things. Matched Betting is certainly not what it used to be but is still worthwhile you just need to adapt to the offers available. Do all the easy ones and then perhaps look to master one moderately difficult method at a time until you master it eg EW sniping, Accas, Extra place offers, early pay out offers, racing offers ect ect.

    2. Hi Bod, Oddsmonkey offer a good service with lots of advice and offers that you can do with the majority of different bookmakers and casino offers. You can certainly make ยฃ300 per month but not sure about the hour a day caveat. Thats the good thing about this though you can dip in and out and still make good money.

  4. Hi new reader here. reading the blog I know you get more software with odds monkey but do I need it all. is it a case of my package is bigger than yours?
    does it have the same methods as profit maximiser
    soory for all the qs ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Emily

      It basically has all the same software as Profit Maximiser and several other of Mike Cruickshank’s products all rolled into one. It’s beautifully explained and organised; I’m not sure what more one could ask for.


  5. Just read the BPT article – what an ignorant, arrogant, mysoginistic tosspot – if you’ll pardon the expression. And I am referring to the author of the article – not you Lucian, oops, sorry, Lucy. ๐Ÿ˜€

    When I think of the many sites that do reviews and, of which, some are definitely somewhat skewed with dodgy reviews – and he selects yours?

    I think you’ve taken the right action – ie none. People so blatantly biased and ignorant can not be reasoned with and are best ignored.

    1. Ray,

      They havenโ€™t added Skewtrader to their repertoire. What theyโ€™ve done is build their own equivalent of Skewtrader (as indeed, others have, such as EWS) and added it into OddsMonkey, making it a direct competitor to Skewtrader.

      I like to think that Skew still offers great value as I believe my training manuals and initial handholding are second to none. But Iโ€™ve never compared it to OddsMonkey as, clearly, I couldnโ€™t possibly be impartial.

      As for the article, yes, I had chosen to ignore it. If we put aside the troubling suggestion that a woman couldnโ€™t possibly run a site like this, I was more upset by the idea that Lay Back is just an attempt to exploit affiliate links for profit full of gushing reviews. Iโ€™d like to think itโ€™s obvious from reading the articles that I donโ€™t get to gush very often..

      The site runs to over 1,700 pages and carries virtually no advertising, so there does have to be some sort of revenue stream somewhere to fund all the work that goes into it โ€“ and the sizeable trials I run. Commission on passed systems therefore generates a modest income stream: see also my answer to question 15 on my FAQ page.


    2. Having a look at Lucy’s website you can see the amount of products/services her team fails. If it was only a site looking for affiliate commissions through affiliate links, there would be more passed than failed ones, I suppose.
      That article you provided the link is a bit sexist, full of stereotypes, as someone who subscribes to products like PM or OM (and many others) know well, the amount of women involved in betting, trading and gambling is huge. Do you want to know another site similar to PM ran by a woman? “Matched betting support by Emma Drew”… Oh the scandal! Already two women in the gambling world… One day they will start wearing trousers… ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I’ve just had a look at OM with the ยฃ1 trial and from what I’ve seen so far PM is a far superior product.

    The lack of a slider in the Eachway software would have been enough for me but I’ve just searched for a Will Hill Acca and the OM software has produced a 4fold when the WH offer is on 5folds. I was thinking of staying with the PM main site and using OM for the various software, due to the cost, but think I’ll stick with PM for everything.

    1. Alan

      I’m glad you’re enjoying PM: I’m a fan too.

      But I don’t really follow how you can stay with PM for ‘everything’ when several of the things that OM does simply aren’t available in PM.


        1. Ray,

          OddsMonkey broadly emulates Bonus Bagging, Profit Maximiser, Each Way Sniper, Mike’s matched betting software and Accumulator Aggregator and for good measure, throws in tools like the Tennis Matcher as well.

          Naturally, you could argue that any of these products does certain specific things better than OM (though I’m not really sure they do, in fact), but it’s very hard to claim they’re better value overall.


  7. Well BlueK, seems like a no brainier to me?! Odds Monkey all the way! What’s your opinion to the training on OD to PM and Mike’s other products?


    1. The training and the site layout it’s much better on OM than on PM IMO… Mike should invest a bit on improving the layout of the site. Structuring it better. Have a well moderated forum rather than just a Facebook group (the problem with Facebook groups is the posts aren’t organised in a chronological way nor by themes, and that becomes confusing and a bit frustrating specially for newbies and people that don’t have plenty of time to be on top of what’s happening.
      And with few thousand people on the group, moderation becomes a hard job and it’s common to see comments from well established members putting down, as I’ve seen, someone that believes casino offers are just gambling and EV doesn’t really work. Well, nobody needs that. Hope Mike reads this. Not bashing the man’s work. Is just that if all of them improve it can only be good for us customers.
      It’s just my opinion, but as everything we are all different. The best thing is to get a trial (some free others ยฃ1 for one or two weeks) of the products you are curious about and have a feeling of what suits you better.
      Hope this helps.

    2. I just bought each way sniper and to be honest never really used it. Seen the training videos but no action taken. Bought PM and it’s good . If you get the time you can really make good money. Bought the matched betting software. It’s a must, no doubt. All of these are included in OM for a much smaller price. Mike interacts more with costumers sending bookmakers offers by email. I might be wrong but can’t remember seeing that from OM. But he pusheds as well all his products you aren’t subscribed. OM don’t need that as it’s all one product. Mike’s Accumulator Generator never tried I must confess, but I think it won’t be much different from OM’s . I won’t talk about any other of Mike’s products that weren’t reviewed by Lucy or her team without her consent. It’s her site and I don’t want to make any sort of publicity. Done it in one of my previous posts without realizing.

      1. To celebrate the upcoming Cheltenham Festival, and to provide everyone with the opportunity to learn how to make serious money in time for the annual avalanche of Festival offers, OddsMonkey have kindly agreed to run an amazing promotion.

        You can now get full access for seven days to the whole shooting match at OddsMonkey… that’s the OddsMatcher, all the Offer tools, Racing Matcher, EachWay Matcher, Acca Matcher… not to mention the Tennis Matcher, Dutch Search and I can’t remember what else!

        Most major services attempt to sell you several separate products to do all these different things but OddsMonkey wraps them all up together in just one bargain service.

        And now they’re letting you have the lot for a week for almost nothing. It really is an extraordinary bargain.

        You have to be quick though – the ยฃ1 offer closes Sunday, 5th March 2017.

        To get the ยฃ1 deal, all you have to do is click here and use discount code CHELT2017 .

        But remember, this offer will be gone by the evening of Sunday 5th!

        Here’s the link again: click here and use discount code CHELT2017 to get OddsMonkey for ยฃ1.

  8. I have had a look and joined the free members section. I have once taken a trial of PM and and I have got to say that I whole heartedly agree with your review Lucy. The training seems a lot clearer than PM. The site is also very user friendly. I intend to become a full member ASAP!
    Which of the products of Mike’s would you say are incorporated in Odds Monkey?


    1. If I’m not wrong, and considering I just bought few of Mike’s products, and just started my subscription of Odds Monkey, OM includes PM and daily offers, bonus bagging, matched betting software and calculators, Each Way sniper, Accumulator generator.
      So the maths are as: OM ยฃ15 per month guarantied for life as long as you keep your membership or ยฃ150 per year.
      Mike’s products:
      Bonus Bagging: ยฃ27+ VAT one off payment
      PM ยฃ97+VAT (about ยฃ129)per year
      Matched Betting Software: ยฃ98.97+ VAT (about ยฃ129) per year
      Each Way sniper: ยฃ47+VAT, one off payment for the method and training, plus about ยฃ97+VAT (ยฃ129)per year for the software
      Accumulator Generator: ยฃ148.99+VAT
      All of Mike’s products have a 14 day ยฃ1 trial.
      He has as well a product named Betting Mastermind that includes all his products (the ones mentioned above plus 3 or 4 others) for ยฃ97+VAT upfront plus 3 monthly payments of ยฃ197 +VAT for lifetime access.

      I have surrendered to OM…the only side where I think PM (still) has an edge over OM is the casino offers. Thousands of members on its Facebook group posting all casino and bingo offers it’s a big thing….

      IMHO, for the common people that has a full time job, that has family, OM it’s much better value for money. In these conditions, you won’t have time to do all the casino offers, bingo, sport offers, accumulators, etc, so you are better off paying ยฃ15 rather then a handfull of money every month for all of Mike’s products that are included in OM…
      If you are on this full time, with multiple accounts and all that, lots of experience, you could gain a lot from PM for the casino offers and the exchange of ideas with people in the same situation.

  9. Lucy,

    So to be clear on this, you feel that Odds Monkey has the edge on Profit Maximiser?
    Also, is there equally as much money to be make with Odds Monkey as PM?

    Many Thanks,


    1. Tommi

      Yes I do. And as OddsMonkey spans several products from Mike Cruickshank, it stands to reason that it offers greater profit potential than any of them on their own, including PM.


  10. Hi Lucy

    Love the site.
    With regards OddsMonkey, if you have already used up many of the bookies’ welcome offers, is it still profitable to become a member of the site?
    Many thanks

  11. Hi Lucy.

    Happy New Year for you and your team.

    Just registered with Oddsmonkey following your link. Had as well a promotion, 7 days premium for just ยฃ1, and I must say so far I’m quite impressed.

    For now just going through the training, the tools, the site generally. Looks very organized, easy to find and understand. Now it’s time to start registering with the bookies. Will keep you informed of my experience, but so far more impressed than with Profit Maximiser. Not only offers much more value for money but the organization, the layout it’s much more user friendly.

    I really need things to be organized, straight forward or I lose motivation (easy done after 12h work and few hours playing with my little one, reading him some books, putting him to bed- after all that, with the little time left before falling asleep, just need straigthforward info, directions.) – On this issue, OM beats PM by a mile.

    Thanks and Happy New Year


  12. My penny’s worth!

    I joined when there was a week’s trial for ยฃ1 – and have only really used the oddsmatcher so far – however I expect to stay with it as it does offer a wealth of different opportunities. Have had a lot of stuff going on so only limited betting at the moment – after Christmas/New Year sorted hope to use fully.

    Also, for anyone who joins now at ยฃ15 per month, that price is guaranteed for life – and with everything they offer I think it’s cheap. Using this service fully the ยฃ15 will be easily covered in earnings each month. A yearly sub (can’t remember ยฃ offhand) makes it cheaper again.

    Fully recommended

    1. David

      They were quite general questions.

      Frankly, re funding it’s a more-is-better thing. Bonus exploitation clearly involves moving your money around whereas the ongoing matching tools can be specifically focussed on certain bookmakers.

      If you’re not convinced after reading all the trials though, I suspect nobody but yourself is going to convince you. My advice therefore would be – try OddsMonkey for ยฃ15 and see how you get on. You are extremely likely to make money even if you subsequently decide it’s not for you. And you never know, you may join the ranks of those who are big fans of matched betting and make consistent profits from it.


  13. Hi Lucy.
    I would like to ask you a question, as you have reviewed the three services (PM, OM and Accumulator Generator).
    From what I’ve read, OM has a tool similar to Accumulator Generator. My questions are, are both similar? If not what are the differences? Would like to know because AG is a bit pricey and it’s included in OM. Would rather pay ยฃ15 /month for OM then over ยฃ100 year for PM, over ยฃ100 for their match software, over ยฃ100 for the each way software and nearly ยฃ200 for AG.
    I haven’t tried OM but am a member of PM for a while now. Yeap, as people referred already, Mike’s customer service is excellent, the facebook forum is good, but there is no apparent order on the facebook posts (not their fault, it’s a Facebook problem for putting on top the most commented posts). I find that confusing…

    1. Pedro

      Yes, since I reviewed OddsMonkey, the team behind it have added an equivalent service to Accumulator Generator at no extra cost, making their product even better value. It’s remarkable.

      Although I have yet to test it out rigorously, it looks pretty much as fully featured as AG, offering four different methods to extract value from accumulator offers. They range from ultra low-risk/small profit options that aim to lock in the outcome up front to an advantage play variant that should make you money in the long run as the Expected Value of your bets is set up in your favour.

      The arguments against OM continue to tumble really. As you can pay monthly, you can sample everything for a month, knowing that you are not tied in for a year. Frankly, OddsMonkey is now far better value than anything else out there and is therefore my recommendation for anyone considering matched betting.


    1. Steve

      I’ve answered this at least twice before in the comments thread but I appreciate it’s not easy to follow a long series of comments.

      My first go was here.

      The picture has changed a little since then but be aware that OddsMonkey now contains variants of Each Way Sniper and Accumulator Generator in addition to PM. It is very good value indeed.

      It also has a nicely integrated approach to all these different products so they are driven from a single dashboard. It’s available here.


  14. I have some questions maybe someone can answer:

    How many bookmaker accounts do you need (Im guessing alot because from what i have seen to get any matched bets worth doing you need to have accounts in almost every booker that odds monkey or PM use to find the matched bets or you could miss out of the good opportunities. Please dont say you can have 4 or 5 accounts because I tried this and it didnt work

    How much money to have in each account – to make any decent money you would need pretty decent size balance in all accounts and will need to top up any bookmakers where you balance is dropping. If you have 20 bookmaker accounts then you need at least โ‚ฌ100 in each account so roughly 2k min

    How do you stop bookmakers from closing your account?

    The odds tend to move pretty fast and are hard to get the optimal profit?

    Anyone comment please on this as Im not convinced.


  15. Hi Lucy

    I’m in Australia and was wondering if you know would oddsmonkey work for me here or is it only linked to english bookmakers?

  16. I just got odds monkey through your link. Am on that site now, what do I start with and what after that. ??? Whats your advice to make some good money from this product.??

    1. James

      If you look at the menu at the top right, you’ll see there’s a series of tutorials telling you to ‘start here’.

      Work through the tutorials and you’ll actually make money as you do so.


  17. Hi Lucy,
    Will Odds Monkey work in Australia as I think Profit Maximiser is not suitable for Australian residents.


    1. Veer,

      I asked the OddsMonkey team this question and they replied:

      “We have many bookmakers in our Oddsmatcher that are available outside of the UK, there are many bookmakers that we have added specifically for non-UK customers as they do not accept bets from UK customers, but have been requested by many of our non-UK customers, i.e. Pinnacle, Betsson, NordicBet, Betsafe to name a few.

      Our offer service is largely targeted towards the UK market and our daily offer calendar will include offers that we’ve found that are available to UK customers. Many of these offers may also be available to residents of different countries, but we do not currently advise which ones, so customer will need to check their local terms to be sure.

      We do have many premium customers from different parts of the world that have been premium customers with us for years. And remember, we also have a money-back guarantee.

      If customers would like to try out Premium to ensure that it’s right for them, they can signup and if you’re not happy within the first 30 days just drop us an email and we’ll refund their first payment.
      Hope this information helps.”


  18. have been a PM member for a couple of years now but I am ready for a change.
    The PM facebook page is full of people who either talk a lot of rubbish or brag when they have had a big{lucky}win on some casino offer. you get these people bragging how they have made X or Z as if it is something unusual. When PM started the FB page was good with half a dozen people making some excellent posts. now it is a case of who can buy the most expensive Aston Martin. or so they keep hoping!! So am ready to give Oddsmonkey a go

  19. I have trialled these guys for a month and the website and general software itself is fantastic. I am too a member of PM and the main strength there in my opinion is the community element and the level of expertise within the group. what I really like about OM thought is they seem to be constantly developing new things and they are part of the membership price. Example they released an each way matcher piece of software today which is spot on and better than that it searches across exchanges for the best value profit so you can lay the win and place bets on diff exchanges, very impressed thus far.

  20. How many offers roughly does OddsMonkey usually have each day? Profit Maximiser has about 26 today – after a day at work there’s only so much time available and if you can’t fit in many offers you feel the subscription isn’t really worth it, or at least it’s not working for you. Not having a go at Mike C or PM, just the practicalities.

    1. Steve

      There are 17 today and 15 for tomorrow. Subsequent days are about the same.

      All offers are explicitly valued for profit potential and separated into guaranteed and potential profit: i.e. the latter category is advantage play and outcome may be higher or lower than proposed.

      Today is Friday and the calendar runs right through till next Thursday: so if you wish to concentrate on a particularly appealing upcoming day, you can.


      1. Big problem with PM,possibly with OM too? is that all offers arent open to all members as many,many longer term members and short term too have been gubbed by a reasonable amount of bookies. I have lost a few myself and so have the other family members accounts I look after too. Its safe to say that my big earners are Casino and sometimes Bingo offers and not Sports.

  21. Odds Monkey is superb as is Ninja’s. Have no idea on PM as have not tried it. I would agree that for pure matched betting Odds Monkey takes 1st place out of the two I have tried for matched betting due to it’s tools, growing community and site lay out. However Ninja’s is worth maintaining the subscription for its market movers service and DOBS service these are basically beginner trading strategies and I believe more profitable easy to follow and implement trading strategies are in the pipeline. I will be maintaining my subscription to both OM and Ninja’s although find myself increasingly using Ninjas just for the trading which has proved very profitable indeed. Perhaps they would benefit from an amalgamation.

  22. David

    A balanced assessment, thanks.

    My view is that the increasing levels of competition are probably great news for customers. As this leads to the attractive price and value of services like OddsMonkey’s.


  23. My feeling is that Oddsmonkey needs, either through its community or team, to also find those valuable hidden loopholes or big casino offers in order to succeed above and beyond it being the leading force in odds data scraping. Apart from what they can do with their team of in-house coders and tech bods are they really currently providing a service that isn’t already out there?

    Sam Stoffel evidently ripped off PM with PA. I don’t think anyone can doubt Mike Cruickshank took inspiration from combining the info from MSE and Rpoints with the rapid growth in membership sites and marketing to create BB and PM. Much kudos to him for doing it first I say. Now we also have Profit Ninjas and a multitude of other PM/PA copycat sites.

    So where does it end? Will everyone end up plagiarising each other? I suppose just as long as people are getting value for money, decent advice and a good service then that won’t matter. However with the recent rather public ruckass between Oddsmonkey and PA, plus some considerable moans about the PA service in general perhaps everything is not all that rosy there. Add to fact that the matched betting genie is now totally out of the bottle and almost mainstream as either a secondary or even main source of income. Certainly we’ve seen the bookies tightening the purse strings when it comes to sports offers and being increasingly quick on the trigger with gubbings.

    Times are tougher and smaller, unsuccessful sites will undoubtedly vanish but there is still tons of money to be made out there and if Oddsmonkey is considered to be an innovative and trusted name beyond being odds providing service then they probably will stay the course.

  24. The PM mantra is ‘Take Action’that is the only way to acheive the big profits those small wearisome offers that might make a small profit might seem inconclusive but they quickly mount up and can easily account for your qualfying losses when doing the horse refunds

  25. The ยฃ200 starting bank for OddsMonkey may be a strong selling point for those who aren’t yet (or perhaps are) subscribed to a similar product. If I recall correctly, ยฃ500 was stated as being the preferred starting bank for Profit Maximiser, which is arguably OddsMonkey’s main competitor and which I will therefore refer to below.

    I can empathise with the points raised by Michael and Sue D – at times the volume of offers can seem overwhelming and you can end up not doing any. Obviously, as with all things betting-related, patience and perseverance is required, however grinding through certain offers/strategies on a day-to-day basis can border on the wearisome, particularly if the estimated value is well under a tenner, and of course not every offer you do will show a profit.

    To be honest, I find the five figure sums some PM members have made to be a demotivating factor rather than something to galvanise me into action . Yes, the really successful PM members will have (presumably) cranked out the offers day after day and reaped the reward for their efforts, but going back to the likely profit on the vast majority of offers, it’s difficult to see how these sums can be amassed. Not all of us have friends and family willing or able to participate in offers and thus multiply the profit level.

    I’m unsure if these PM folks started with a bigger bank, got lucky with large bingo or slots wins, or are using the friends and family route. But whatever the reason, you are ‘switched off’ (or at least I am) rather than on by reading of people notching up 20 grand. OddsMonkey is certainly something I’ll be taking a closer look at, given that something isn’t quite cutting it for me with PM, notwithstanding the issue of my not rattling through the offers as often as I should.

  26. Hi Lucy do you know,a product we can use in Australia as I see so many good products but they are no good in Oz.
    The exchange option is required.

    1. Drew

      I hear you. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Truth is, everyone wants an exchange-only option. And I’ve been running a thread dedicated to Betfair-focussed products… but results are, at best, inconclusive so far.

      The biggest issue is liquidity. If I present a solution, there’s likely to be a stampede! So I think we need several solutions… hence the thread.

      But yes of course, as soon as I have something solid, I will update you.


  27. Like one or two others who read the reviews on LBAGR I suspect, I already subscribe to Profit Maximiser and whilst I’m open to looking at possible alternatives, wouldn’t using Odds Monkey just be duplicating my efforts with PM?

    1. Steve

      Yes, to a large extent.

      My point is basically that OddsMonkey leads the field, in my opinion. And I think it’s likely to stay there, if only by virtue of the size of their development team and their direct experience of building the products themeselves.

      So is there a point in owning both PM and OddsMonkey?

      Probably not.

      Should you consider OddsMonkey in future?

      Yes, I think you should think seriously about it.

      And to those who are customers of none of these.. why ever not!?


    2. I think it would Steve; however for me it’s about ease of use as well, not just having access to the information. I’ve just signed up to Odds Monkey (ยฃ15 is not much to give it a go), and if it encourages me to actually get organised and get stuck in to xome offers, it’ll be worth it for me personally. I’m also a member of PM, but unlike many members it soesn’t seem to motivate me enough! Just a personal thing though …

      1. Michael – I’m exactly the same. I get all the daily offers coming to my inbox from Facebook (Ninja’s), some I can’t do (gubbed), some I don’t want to do – and there can be so many I just end up deleting the lot – can’t get myself motivated so you’re not alone. Maybe this would work better for me too.

        Hope you’ll come back and update when you’ve been using it for awhile.

  28. This looks a very worthwhile matched betting site, but oh for a system which can be used solely on the exchanges thus eliminating the hassle received from bookmakers.

  29. HI Lucy, nice review but my problem is, I’ve done bonus bagging, along time ago, so can’t start from scratch, but I bought profit ninjas and there were no offers for my situation, my question is is there enough offers, casino bingo offers too make good money full time, and without the start up offers how much starting bank would you say is needed? Thank you

  30. Russ, you’re absolutely correct; not only do most bookmakers subscribe to matched betting sites for the purpose of identifying the various oods discrepency’s (and remember, there really isn’t one product that is better at this than any other), but, depending on the bookmaker, they will also track and cross refer your betting activity in this way and will often restrict your account if your ‘pattern’ of betting even resembles arbitrage, whether or not you actually are doing this!

    There are very sophisticated methods of attempting to disguise this (bookmakers aren’t particularly fooled by traditional methods of disguise, like loss-leading bets …they’ve read all them on the matched betting sites as well), but they can be very complex and time-consuming, and most people really can’t be bothered with the time and effort involved to eke out ยฃ5 here, or ยฃ10 there.

    I’m afraid that unless the law changes, matched betting for the ‘ordinary’ person is becoming less viable in terms of effort/reward;there is still money to be made, of course, and if you can take as much from the bookmakers as you can before being restricted then so much the better. It’s an absolute disgrace that, despite bookmakers making a fortune whether the bet wins or loses (Leicester City notwithstanding!), that they restrict someone making very modest gains, but often on the exchanges while continuing to lose money with them! As I say, if and until the law changes, slim pickings might well be the order of the day, so make sure that you sign the online petition doing the rounds to force bookmakers to accept any and every bet up to ยฃ25, (and preventing them from restricting winning accounts) – still too little in my opinion, but you could make a business out of it with sufficient effort!

    Good luck to everyone …

    1. Michael,

      I am absolutel amazed that no one seems to have considered the comments we have made.


      Best of luck to everybody but you have to be very lucky to get any advantage with matched betting anymore.


      1. Russ – I have noticed your comments but there’s a lot of bookies out there and, for a lot of people (especially newcomers to this), still plenty of matched bets required on the various newbie bonuses and offers etc.
        I used to use it for horses primarily but now mostly football and when I do use it for racing keep to the shorter odds so as to, hopefully, be less obvious.
        From Lucy’s write up it seems a good learning platform for newcomers as well – and I for one prefer text rather than videos – on some sites they can be so long-winded…

        1. Matched betting will always be a benefit to newcomers and, in a limited way, to existing punters, but it was not matched betting per se to which my comments were directed.

          I refer to the type of software used by PM and Odds Monkey (there are others) which generates potential arbs. For example I have just looked at two possibilities generated at 15.09, bet 26.0 lay 22.99 and bet 5.0 lay 4.3, great. I refreshed the screen at 15.12 and they had gone ahrdly any time to put them on, and it is my belief that the bookies also have this type of software and as soon as they discover these perceived discrepancies they change the odds in their favour.

          PM and Odds Monkey are excellent products and any newbies should easily make ยฃ1k in their first year, my gripe is with the bookies who are constantly striving to eliminate any small advantage accruing to the little guy.

          Good luck to you all

          1. I disagree.

            I regularly have friends who are making ยฃ1,000 a month from reload offers. Of course there is a huge advantage when you are new to Matched Betting, but that advantage doesn’t disappear. I am certain bookies are aware that Matched Betting exists, but that doesn’t mean the advantage isn’t there.

            My personal opinion is that I will continue to make hay while the sun shines!

  31. Does seem an excellent product but I believe that all the bookies are now subscribing to these because I am using the PM version and the favourable odds disappear in a flash so the bookies are being alerted by the very tools we are using.

    Best Regards


  32. Great news that you’ve managed to award a very positive pass to OddsMonkey but, as already mentioned, is it that different from PM and ProfitNinja? Each seems to have little quirks of their own. If you could select only one, which would it be?

    A big positive for me is that it doesn’t require Facebook to ensure you get all the info – and I could see it to becoming very popular with the community aspect building quite substantially over time.

    Another query – this concerns all oddsmatchers – I have always understood it to be a bad idea to click on the bookie links as they can track you. Is this not true?

    Finally – did you do any more slots and make some money?


    1. Sue/all

      I don’t like to criticise as I am a fan of all three products.

      But if I had to choose just one, I would choose OddsMonkey.


      1. Profit Maximiser customers are invited to buy a separate product when they wish to do conventional back-and-lay matched betting. OddsMonkey contains a full-blown OddsMatcher built into the product at no extra cost. Indeed, it’s endlessly referenced within the methods as an integral part of the solution, and it contains all the flexible features described above.

      2. OddsMonkey also offers the Racing Matcher for no extra charge, as explained in my article. This is a powerful product that integrates bookie offers into individual races so you can quickly see what’s going to work – and what isn’t. It’s wonderful.

      3. The OddsMonkey calendar is far more legible and easy to use than the PM one. It also:
      – displays opportunity values in the summary view so you can quickly see which ones to concentrate on without drilling down to the next level
      – allows you to look several days ahead so you can plan your time. I believe PM is on a day-at-a-time basis?

      4. It’s a personal thing but I prefer to use a non-FB community. I find facebook a bit of a mixed blessing at best and don’t wish to be be forced into having to have an account.

      5. More subtly, OddsMonkey is supported by a large team that I suspect can develop new features quite quickly. Now admittedly this is a hunch. But for instance, I understand they are currently looking to put together a tool to make it easier to make the most of the refund offers available at the French Open. Expect more of this stuff in future.

      In my opinion, the only way that Profit Maximiser scores over Ninjas and OddsMonkey is in the area of community support: so if that’s important to you, I’d stick with it. But OddsMonkey in particular is catching up fast in this area too.

      So in summary, I think OddsMonkey has raised the bar. And their determination to develop their own independent service and brand should mean their product continues to develop in future.


      1. Wow Lucy – thanks for the comprehensive reply. Will definitely look at this when Ninja’s sub is due and may switch – via your site of course ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. As was said above, a very detailed and comprehensive answer but i disagree with you over which would be my number 1 product, any of these products are only as good as the people using them immaterial of who creates them and PM will always come out on top….why….because the community using it are second to none and many are far better than I.

          Re another comment that matched betting is on its way out, i wish it would hurry up as i would like to have a reason to retire but whilst 3K and yes that is 3K is still available on a monthly basis and has been for the past 18 months and far more the retirement is always going to be on hold.

          1. Ray

            Fair comments. I did say that the community in Profit Maximiser is its strongest suit so I’m not sure we really are disagreeing.

            ยฃ3k a month is very impressive!


          2. Agreed when thought about more carefully but you said your preference was for OM……i will agree to disagree with you but both products as a whole PM is far superior IMO

            I do agree with you re MC’s calendar though, a total waste of time and many cannot read it due to the colour scheme used, i wished he supported Newcastle over Liverpool as black and white would be so much better than the horrible reds used ๐Ÿ™

      2. I am a member of Mike Cruikshank’s PM and before that his Bonus Bagging and while I totally agree regarding Facebook(which I hate too) there are many offers which pop up,Casino and Bingo in particular,,which are spotted by fellow forumites and are almost impossible to find and are short lived and gone withing a few hours. I have used Odds Monkey in its past life before its revamp but I have to say that PM’s Facebook Forum( I have constantly lobbied for a separate PM forum and still do!) is a goldmine due to the social side. I dont think Odds Monkey can offer this at present,or maybe I am wrong?
        PS I do think Mike charging for extra software is a bit of a stretch though after an initial hefty outlay to have a yearly membership of PM.

        1. I’m a member of PM but I think I’ll give OddsMonkey a go and compare the two, as the outlay for the latter is minimal. Mike C’s customer service is first class, however I feel he can oversell now and again, e.g. the extra software for PM, which I purchased.

          Punting ยฃ100 a time for arbitrage bets 3 times a day is very much a short term proposition I would think, The peer support with PM is excellent but I’d rather it wasn’t on Facebook, and not just because I’ fed up looking at that pic of David Icke!

  33. I’ve used Odds Monkey for a couple of years now – and they have continually improved & extended service. I have never had a complaint of any kind.

    Agree 100% with Lucy.


  34. Hi Lucy this product looks great but do you not feel like most other people do that matched betting has had its day? Bookies banning people left right and centre and offers are few and far between now?

    I’ve been matched betting since August 2015 and feel it’s hard to make decent money now.

    1. Andrew

      Do you mean – it’s harder to make money owing to the risk of account closure? Or because you believe the bookies are tightening up?

      I agree the first of these is a tough nut to crack (hence this article) but beg to differ on the latter. The bookies are more competitive than ever and offers are now part of their operational DNA.

      That’s why tools like OddsMonkey are so important. They provide so many different ways to exploit the various market opportunities.


      1. When I first started there were offers everywhere, you’d look at the days offers list it would be substantial now the days list is much shorter and the offers are poor, bet 365 offers are virtually non existent same with acca offers, the matched betting market has been saturated the bookies know this and offers have been pulled/altered to make it almost worthless doing!

        1. How about the bingo, games and casino offers, are there alot and can you make good money with them, and for how long.?

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